Skills and Labour Mobility

Project description

Understanding the factors that facilitate (or hinder) the movement of individuals within the labour market is crucial to the development of economic policy, both those efforts towards improving economic productivity, and those towards creating better outcomes for individual workers. While some work has been done to examine how skill could matter in predicting occupational transitions, more exploration with additional, more varied data and methodologies is needed to properly verify this insight.

Our work leverages micro-data tracking the occupational transitions of workers, combined with occupational skills data, to examine this relationship. Through modelling and data analysis, we gain insights into how well skills predict labour mobility - the extent to which they matter, and whether certain skills have greater importance in driving movements across the entire LFN, or within certain groups of occupations. As part of these analysis, we develop novel metrics to describe the importance of individual skills in predicting labour mobility. This work has implications for the development of upskilling policies, crucial to creating a suitably skilled workforce in an ever-changing world.



Pre-print (forthcoming)


Online repository (forthcoming)